
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Fridarona-on-the-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 5 June 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Hoooooo-weeeee, those MAGATS are some kind of nutty! Nuttier than a trainload of Snickers and Baby Ruths! Chainsaws! Ballbats! George Floyd staging his own death to satisfy George Soros and own the MAGATS. I wish I was kidding. Goddess of Irony sends lightning bolt to D.C., "Missed him by *that* much!" Violent thugs in blue knock 75 year-old peace protester to the ground, claim he "tripped and fell." COVID Caligula goes to Maine, is greeted by the Devil's Diaper, chastises Mainers for not being willing to go out and die for him. Lady G! Say it ain't so!

Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thorona-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 4 June 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
The 'Rona is still roaring, but MAGAT governors don't care. Cases are on the upswing in Florida and Texas, but, hey, "Feeeeedummmmmm"!" Birmingham and Richmond remove treason monuments with wildly differing results, Drag-named Virginia state senator Amanda Chase decries removal of Lee statue as "erasing white history. Fragile, she is. White-wing extremists busted in Vegas for planning an attack on peaceful protesters. Other white-wing monsters present at protests in Columbia, SC. Make West Virginia Great Big Ol' Governor Jim Justice tries to walk back his "sundown" statement about President Obama.

Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Prayerona Meetin' Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 3 June 2020
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
We interrupt Prayer Meetin' Wednesday for remarks by President Barack Obama, given the cavernous leadership void in America today. Sometimes, it's valuable to sit back and pay attention to the voices of our immediate present. Also: James Mattis finds his voice, a day late and a dollar short. In the midst of a national uprising over racism, Make West Virginia Great Big Ol' Governor Jim Justice tries his hand at making WV a sundown state for at least one black man, anyway. And, of course, some news from Christianity, where a church in Idaho used the power of Reeeeeevival to create their very own COVID-19 spike.

Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Dr Bill Obrien's Virtual Civics, Wednesday, 3 June 2020
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Dr Bill continues his analysis and contextualization of the civil outcry for justice in the wake of the murders of Mr. George Floyd and Ms. Brionna Taylor.

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Trumptanoronic Tuesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 2 June 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Why do police so constantly claim they're in fear for their lives? Might it be because organizations like the NRA have made them that way? Regardless, if they're so scared, maybe they need to be in another line of work. Then again, what other line of work makes it almost impossible to be fired and provides free top-shelf, silk-stocking lawyering when you trample the law and lynch a man? Humvees and other troop carriers have invaded D.C. A call from Mike Malloy in the midst of the protest in Atlanta.

Monday Jun 01, 2020
Morona Monday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 1 June 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Phlegmball whitesplains to Black America. Has the COVID-19 pandemic been weaponized by white supremacists? We listen live as Martial Law Marius declares war on America. What about Posse Comitatus? Minneapolis Cop Union head trashes the memory of George Floyd. Why does that man still have a job? MAGAT Senator calls for summary executions for protesters.

Monday Jun 01, 2020
Dr Bill Obrien's Virtual Civics, Monday 1 June 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Dr Bill brings a lifetime of experience and learning to an analysis of the murder of George Floyd, the ensuing protests and the cop riots taking place all over our country.

Friday May 29, 2020
Friday-Rona-The-Front-Porch, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 29 May 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
An extra-heavy Front Porch gathering around the extraordinary, ordinary roundtable as the group confronts the reality of a country ablaze with Trump's COVID-19 PanDonic and police brutality-induced racial tensions unseen since the late 1960s. Criminal charges have been filed against Chauvin, but it's also apparent that people are working feverishly behind the scenes to make sure he never spends a day in jail. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Thursday May 28, 2020
Thorona-in-the-Side Thursday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 28 May 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
Cop riot in Minneapolis, white-wing militia makes an appearance. Amy Klobuchar's bid for VP likely tanked. Long history of violence by the cop who murdered George Floyd. How does a grand jury work and why? Wrasslin' coach in Washington state puts up a video of him "proving" having a knee in your neck couldn't possibly kill someone. Another Republican compares having to wear a mask to the Holocaust. Republicans/MAGATS in Pennsylvania weaponize the 'Rona and a furious hero emerges.

Wednesday May 27, 2020
Prayrona Meetin' Wednesday, Head-ON With Bob Kincaid, 27 May 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
100,000 dead Americans are "no big deal" according to well-known EVILgelical Gospel sharps. Former "Youth Pastor" busted after lying about being robbed. Ex-gay preacher says Gavin Newsom is "Goliath." Ex-feminist lesbian English Professor claims gawd sent the 'Rona to stop Pride parades. ICE Agents caught having sex with victims of sex trafficking. White-wing domestic terrorists threaten democratically elected governors. One, at least, got fired. Tests touted by Clorox Claudius turn out to be no better than a coin toss.